Header: christian-rossow.de
Apply for a PostDoc position in my System Security research group at CISPA, Germany.


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

Report - Further presentations in 2008

CEAS 2008

As the most interesting conference so far, Christian Dietrich and me went to the CEAS 2008 in Mountain View. Despite our own talk about 'IP list analysis', we heard very cool presentations. Pretty interesting was GMail's view on spam by it's anti-spam guru Bradley Taylor.

Holidays summer 2008

You might have wondered why I did not post any news during the last months. Mostly it was because of high pressure during studies, and the holidays after that. Fortunately I passed all exams and had great holidays! Just to make you jealous, I've seen already 11 foreign countries this year :)

Little improvements of web site

Certainly you already noticed that I finally managed to update some personal information on the web site. For those who didn't: I added a photo (BTW, from California along Hwy-1) and my email address.


